Find YOUR Aligned Path – Day 17
Welcome back for Day 17 of the Find YOUR Aligned Path Program!
It’s Day 17 and we’re finally going to get back to your Centers.
Today we’re looking at the first awareness center, the Spleen Center.
This center is all about health, wellbeing and survival – like survival instinct.
There can definitely be a lot of intense fears when we look at your Spleen Center. It might show up a little differently if your spleen is Defined or Undefined, but either way, when I mention these fear gates in readings with my clients, they almost always resonate with the fear gates that show up in their Spleen.
So this is going to be super helpful as you follow on this journey.
In today’s email, you should see whether you have a Defined, Undefined or Completely Open Spleen Center. Check your Day 17 Email and look for the video that applies to the definition you have in your chart for your Spleen.